What can Possibly go Wrong with IVF in Mumbai

What can turn out badly with an IVF cycle? (Mumbai) Obviously we need to have positive reasoning and continue sending positive vibes to our body so things work the correct way. Be that as it may, I jump at the chance to be useful. It was news for me when I heard out of the blue how an IVF cycle can be crossed out or unsuccessful. It is essentially at each and every progression, something can turn out badly. Thus, this is the thing that I have learned: Incitement stage Amid the stimulation stage, it is consistently checked that a decent number of follicles are developing for collect. Normally there should be no less than 3+ developing to 18mm by and large when the trigger shot is finished. In the event that amid the incitement stage, very few follicles are developing, or the FSH level in the circulatory system isn't adequate (or excessively), at that point the fertility specialist will either attempt to play with the puregon measurements a bit or scratch off the cycle. Insuffici...